

Proud to be British: the Royal Wedding April 29th 2011

  I was born and raised in a country home in the North of England where Queen Elizabeth Bowes-Lyons, later to become the Queen Mother, enjoyed a cup of tea at the 23rd February 1939 ceremony with her husband George VI when they opened the tennis courts and sports pavilion opposite. I feel contented to be watching today’s Royal Wedding from a house that has royal connections and has since become part of Britain’s national heritage. To set the scene, as I sit here with my cup of English...


All in the Name of Art – News Critique on the Berlin protests April 2011

Berlin, one of the world’s capitals famous for its culture, art, alternative scene and diverse freedom ever since the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989 is making history again. When I visit Berlin my senses are filled with sheer bohemia. Artists bustling around, smoke-filled studios, open doors, narrow, yet tall corridors which echo throughout, even when you whisper… An intense look occupies an artist’s face, yet he seems so intently focused on a seemingly alien concept that passers-by fail to understand what on Earth is going on in...

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