NEPAL A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words

Two Gentlemen Of Bhaktapur. Photograph by Matt Eagles

Matt Eagles from Macclesfield in Cheshire sent two photographs to the Culture Corner in response to “A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words.” I have to say I love the composition of both shots and Matt really manages to capture the spirit of Nepal and its people. He explains “I developed a passion for photography after a wonderful safari trip to Botswana, Zambia and Namibia in 2007 although I had little experience. On my return I was so determined to capture those wonderful images I had seen that I decided to buy a superzoom digital camera and head back to Southern Africa. In the summer of 2009, armed with a camera that might do my imagination justice I went back to visit Namibia which was jaw-droppingly beautiful for photography! All my compositions were taken with the versatile Fuji Finepix S8 100fd. I love the ‘great outdoors’ and live sport and I am always willing to experiment with different techniques, angles and textures but am still very much a keen amateur! I travelled to India and Nepal last Easter – a truly memorable experience!”

Matt has actually battled Parkinson’s disease since the age of 7. Nonetheless, this has not stopped him from travelling the world and fulfilling his dreams. Matt’s compelling story was featured in Parkinson’s Europe and can be read here: 

Parkinsons Europe Article

Matt also writes for Parkinson, the Official magazine for Parkinson’s UK and has also written for Wobbly Williams: Matt further explains “Because of the fact I have had Parkinson’s disease for over thirty years, the camera’s anti-shake button is my friend!”

Matt is continually building his travel portfolio at which contains some great images.

Chitwan, Nepal. An elderly Tharu lady contemplates her life. Photograph by Matt Eagles

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